Oelrichs and Bunting from Lühe

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Apologies for not writing in German.

I have just discovered one of my ancestors was born in Lühe.

In email sent to me last week "Henry Frederic Oelrichs, retired civil-servant at the East-Indies
(Dutch Colonies, now Indonesia) died at the age of 65 on 27 January
1881 at The Hague, he was born in Lühe [Kreiz Winsen, Hannover] as
the son of Peter Andresen Oelrichs and Ann Bunting, both deceased,
married to Margaretha Charlotta Glignett, without occupation."

Can anyone assist me or point me in the right direction to find out more about Henry Frederic Oelrichs and his parents Peter Andresen Oelrichs & Ann Bunting?

Many thanks

Michael Oelrichs

in Sheffield, England

Hello Michael,

        Lühe appears to be a tiny town along the Elbe river. I would think
that the people there may have gone to church in nearby Grünendeich. The LDS
has church records for that town:

      Kirchenbuch, 1715-1852 Evangelische Kirche Grünendeich (Kr. Jork)

      Another place could be Steinkirchen with these records:

      Kirchenbuch, 1715-1852 Evangelische Kirche Steinkirchen (Kr. Jork)

     You can order these from a LDS center and view the microfilms there. I
am only suggesting this: I don't guarantee anything!! Lately I've been
looking at a LOT of microfilm from places in England and sometimes I find
absolutely nothing that I'm looking for.

Good luck,