Is there any way I can get responses in English only? Gail Kutch
If you ask your questions in English, you will get a response in English.
Dear Adalbert Goertz
Thankyou very much for your e-mail I did ask the question in English but my
return e-mails come back in German and I am sorry that I have not got the
capabilities to read them.
I hope I haven't lost vital information.
Nevertheless I have looked on your site - very good information which I will
follow up soon.
Thankyou and Best Wishes
Typically questions are asked by the writer in the
language he/she is most comfortable with. Answers are
then given in that language if there is the
capability to do that.
What you are reading in German are posts made by
Germans for German speaking readers. They are now in
the majority on this list. In the past, before
Germans became internet savy, this was the other way
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