Would someone be able to tell me if I am on the right search list for
the Oldenburg which is near Bremenhaven? I see two Oldenburgs on a map
that I have. I am searching for information on my grandmother, sophie
Peterson nee Otten, who was born in Oldenburg( Osterscheps-?) January
18, 1864. I have some info gathered by a relative many years ago
listing the Ottens as:
Johann Otten b:June 2, 1775 d: Oct 20, 1841
Anne Lubbers (no info)
Children: Anna Margrete b: Sep 23, 1805 d: Jul 15, 1859
Anne b: Nov 11, 1809
*** Johann b: Mar 31, 1812 d: Dec 13, 1883
*** Johann Otten
Anna Bruns b: March 1, 1817 d: April 26, 1894
Children: Johann, Anna, Lea, Anna Margaretha, Gerhard, Elise,
and Sophie (my grandmother)
I have been told some of this may not be correct - and that also that I
should be able to get more information on all of them - including middle
names for the Johanns - if I just knew where to look. Thanks in advance
for any help.
Norma Sievert
River Ridge, Louisiana
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