(no subject)

I have subscribed to the ow-preussen site but somehow I made a mistake and requested the site in German, but I do not read German.

How can I get this changed over to English (USA)?

Thank you.

Kathryne Burton <mkburt2002@ccc-cable.net>

Hi Mary

The group is a German Language Group as it says on the sign-up:


      * Mitglieder: 271
      * Gegründet: Aug 16, 2004
      * Sprache: Deutsch ===> Language: German

. If you are not able to use German you may wish to translate all your
emails through http://translate.google.com/#

Otherwise I'd say this was a good time to practice your German! ;^)

Es ist nicht so schwer.... bis demnaechst.

Pax Vobiscum,
...mark (Mark Rabideau)

ManyRoads Family Genealogist (Rabideau-Henss Family)
Visit us at: http://many-roads.com
Snail mail at: 711 Nob Hill Trail - Franktown,CO USA - 80116-8717

Hi, I have learned that if you reply or ask questions in English someone will respond to you.... great group...