If anyone has information on the following family members, this would be
greatly appreciated, especially Germany based.
*Frederick Gremmel* Born 1827? and emigrated to Australlia in the 1850's
and again in 1881 Married *Ann Giffern.*
*Wilhelmina Maree Gremme*l Born 1850 Germany. Married *Wilhelm Bacher*.
Two children Wilhelmina b 1877, Freda b. 1884
Andrew Niehoff (born St. Petersburg?) married *Dorthea Dreyer*(died 1877)
*Frederick Niehoff* b. Kniestedt, Germany 1840
You should run a search for those names on this website:
It will be in German, but you can use an online translator. It may show
you where the names you mention are located. Just use the name of Gremmel,
Bacher, and Niehoff there and you will get a number of returns for each.
The little town of Kniestedt is somewhere around the Salzgitter area,
maybe close to Gebardshagen.
The names of Gremmel, Niehoff and Bacher is in several parts of Germany.
This website will show you that:
Geogen Deutschland (Onlinedienst) - christoph.stoepel.net