Neunkirchen or Neukirchen

Hi Carole:

Try the following URL:
You will find that Neukirchen/Belczna (German/Polish) is located south east of
Regenwalde Kreis Regenwalde.

Try this URL:
It is like this List, only for the Pommern area.


Dear list-friends.

Can anyone enlighten me on a frustrating subject?

I've been trying to verify that the town of 'Belczna' is the place where
ancestors lived.

One researcher spelled 'Neunkirchen'.
At least she did the first time.
(The researcher was 'Fernanda Marquardt Lobstein'; she died in 1980)
The town I found, that is "Belczna" today, was once called 'Neukirchen', with
just 2 n's !!

Fernanda indicated that 'our' Neunkirchen is within the region of "Kries Regen
Valde ". (a county) There doesn't seem to be a county by that name, but there
is a Kries Regenwalde. As far as I can tell the only town in Regenwalde, close
to that spelling, is Neukirchen (without the middle n & now called Belczna).
However, I've found that there may be as many as 18 different Neunkirchen's in
various other parts of Germany (& Austria).

Probably the researcher jotted down information as she discovered it. Her
handwriting changes.
It looks like "Names of their children, all born in Neunkirchen Pommern


", was written down first.
Can't tell if it was on that same occasion that she wrote below it, "(Kries
Regen Valde Region) no. of Berlin."
Or if that was written later. I think, "Germany" was added later. And a


later, "STETTIN".

Fernanda mentions the town 5 times throughout her handwritten booklet.
Here they are:

If she had the town name first, and then came to the conclusion of where it
was... she could have ended up in the wrong area of 1800's Pommerania. I


no access to her source information to confirm the town & region. Any
