Neuheuser-Chronik der Familien Hoeschen in Altenbeken

Dear List Members,

I am trying to locate a copy of Heinrich Neuheuser's history of the Hoeschen family in Altenbeken, compiled in 1978 and entitled Chronik der Familien Hoeschen Jöhren-Dreier. Neuheuser did the research for the Aichlmayer family in the United States and although there are a few translations floating around, it's proving to be very difficult to find a copy of the original German. He of course was the author of Geschichte der Gemeinde Altenbeken pubilshed in 1988 and I do have a copy of that but I'm particularly interested in the Hoeschen-Chronik.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Margot King
17 Woodside Avenue
Toronto ON M6P 1L6 Canada
Phone: (416) 604-3111