Need help

Looking for my great great gr father
Johaan Herman Heinrich Hinze Hinz Hintz Hintze etc;
only record we have is Lauenberg Schelsig Holstein sp??
this was from the ship list
Heinrich was b. @1794 m. Dorothea schaefer in Germany @1823
ship came into New Orleans with some of the children we think some girls stayed in Germany
my gr father Johnan Henry Herman Hintz etc: b 11 29 1836 died in the U.S. family was Luthern
came on ship jeverland 1 18 1854 into New Olreans La. USA he was 60 he was a farmer got on ship at Bremen
on ship was son heinrich 20, Dorothea 19, Carl 13, William 5 and antoher Heirnich 19 (could have been 16)
from stayed in New Orleans a while then went up river to St Louis for awhile then went up further to Davenport Iowa where he homesteaded

anything or anone you can refer me to??
Carol McKenzie
Natures Acres
826 w 12th
York, Ne 68467
Homeopathics, Herbals, Vitamins

Carol, have you located the churches where they were members? I've had the good fortune in two of my lines that they were charter members of the churches, and the ministers included all sorts of good things about their origins, etc.
