Can anyone tell me the location of Reinpocker in Hannover and is it near
Furstenau ??
On my G. Grandmothers marriage certificate it lists her from Furstenau and
on her death certificate it lists her from Reinpocker in Hannover.
George E. Soergel Milton Wisconsin
George Soergel
I have searched all over my autoatlas around three different
Furstenau's and I can't find any place by the name of Reinpocker. It is not
in the index and may be a very small village that is on the map, but I
can't find it near any of the Furstenau villages. I would suggest the
Furstenau that is straight east of Lingen might be the one you are looking
for, simply because it is larger than the others and I have seen it listed
as Amt Furstenau. Was Catherine Catholic? The Lingen area was Catholic
mainly, I understand. However that Furstenau is not in Lingen county but
Osnabruck County, I THINK.
Also, I would suggest that Catherine's name would be Ripple instead of
Rippb. It would seem that the l and e in script could look like a b. I
could be wrong on that! Or Rippl? That could be it as well. I'm guessing
she was an immigrant to the USA. Where did she live?
Sorry I can't be of more help.