I am seeking information regarding my Grt-Grandfather:
Hermann Georg Diedrich Stahmer - born 16 Jun 1842 Cloppenburg Oldenburg
He 1st arrived in America aboard the "Amaranth" [Bremen to New York] 18 Jan
1865, but returned to Germany date unknown. He is listed as 'Dietr Stahmer'
on the "Amaranth" manifest.
He arrived again in the US aboard the "Dorrette" arrival 21 Oct 1867 [Bremen
to New Orlearns]. He was listed as 'D Stahmer' on the "Dorrette" manifest.
His name 'Diedrich' was Americanized to Dick, Stahmer was Americanized to
Stamer. On 1 Dec 1870 Dick married a fellow passenger aboard the Dorrette,
Louesa/Lizzie Lohmann. We believe Lizzie's true maiden name was Kaehlmann
and that she traveled under her mother - Katherine Marie/Mary's husband's
name of Lohmann. Both Lizzie Lohmann's family and Diedrich Stahmer settled
in Warren Co MO.
Any information regarding Hermann Georg Diedrich Stahmer, his parentage and
family would be most appreciated. Also, any information regarding
Louesa/Lizzie Kaehlmann and her mother, Katherine Marie/Mary ? Kaehlmann
Lohmann would be appreciated.
Thank you,