My German ancestor Rudolph Placke


My name is Erik Placke. I have been into my genealogy for many years now. I
am stuck however on my paternal line ancestor Rudolph Placke. I was
wondering if someone could look at the work I have done and provide
opinions on the validity of my reasoning. In short I think that Rudolph
Placke is related to this Plagge family. It then came down to these Rieste
Germany church records. Rudolph did not turn up in them. Anyway, I have a
number of records and explanations going along with them and I was
wondering if another genealogist could look at them and tell me what they


Is your Rudolph Placke the one who settled at Saint Henry, Ohio?
He was originally from Hunteburg. Either he or a son married a Knapke.
Fr. David Hoyong

Guten Morgen,

Pla(c)ke ist ein Hofname aus Ibbenburen / Pusselburen. Das Hof besteht
leider nicht mehr. Meine Ur Grosmutter heisst Placke. Ich kenne keine
Rudolphus, aber habe auch nicht gesucht....

Pla(c)ke is the name of a farm near Ibbenburen / Pusselburen. The farm
doesn't exist anymore. My great grandmother was a Placke. I do not know of a
Rudolphus, but I didn't search...

Good luck,

Huib Schoonhoff

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----