have you checked yahoo....white pages....?
have you checked lycos....white pages...?
have you gone the USSEARCH route which does help up to a point BEFORE you have to PAY....if you go to either yahoo or lycos, USSEARCH comes up as another avenue.... key in the surname.... key in the t....key in the tim...key in timothy.....key in timmy ..key in timmie..... all with different queries... and see what gets listed out in terms of places...this notes AGE....which you would be able to use to zero in on the right one...
If you wish to pay for the actual details of street names, telephone numbers, STOP and first try to use the results with YAHOO and LYCOS again...of directory assistance for the area noted on USSEARCH....
If this person has left the family because of 'personal trials'... then perhaps you should list you interest in reaching this person with SALVATION ARMY.