Minden 1810 à 1813


i don't speak German, sorry

Merci de m'accueillir sur la liste.

J'ai un anc�tre RIVIERE Guillaume Martin, fran�ais, officier de Napol�on
Ier, �poux de Catherine CAGLIERA. Ils ont eu au moins un fils :

n� � Minden le � 28/09/1813
RIVIERE Fran�ois L�on

-Comment est-il possible d'obtenir la copie de l'acte de naissance
original ?

- A-t-il eu fr�res ou s�urs en 1810, 1811 ou 1812 ?

Merci pour toutes indications


Jean Lemaistre, France77

English translation (approximately) :

Good Morning,

Thank you to accept me on the list.

I have a ancestor RiVIERE Guillaume Martin, french, officer of Napol�on
1st, husband of Catherine CAGLIERA. I know they had one son:

He was born the � 28th of Septembre 1813
RIVIERE Fran�ois L�on

- Is it possible to obtain the copy of the birth certificate ?

- Had he any brothers or sisters in 1810, 1811 or 1812 ?

Thank you very much for your indications


Jean Lemaistre, France 77

Salut Jean,

the person, you are searching for was catholic, I guess. So you get church records of the catholic
congregation of Minden (http://www.dom-minden.de/ ) by following address:

Erzbisch�fliches Generalvikariat Paderborn
- Kirchenbuchabteilung -
Domplatz 3
33 098 Paderborn
+49 (52 51) 1 25 - 0

If the persons were evangelic, you get the records for the four congregations St. Marien, St.
Martini, St. Simeonis and St. Petri (reformed) in Minden by:

Kreiskirchenamt Minden
Rosentalstr. 6
32 423 Minden
+49 (5 71) 8 37 44 � 58
Fax: +49 (5 71) 8 37 44 - 30


Landeskirchliches Archiv Bielefeld
Ritterstra�e 19
33 602 Bielefeld
+49 (5 21) 5 94 - 2 96
Fax: +49 (5 21) 5 94 - 1 29

From about 1810 (and this is a French relict, by the way) you have also the chance to get copies of

civil records/doubles of the church records of each congregation by:

Staatsarchiv Detmold
Willi-Hofmann-Stra�e 2
32 756 Detmold
+49 (52 31) 7 66-0
Fax: +49 (52 31) 7 66 - 1 14

I hope this helps a little bit. Good luck with your further research,

kindly regards from Langenhagen, Germany,
