Hello Thomas,
Vielen Dank f�r Deine Nachricht.
Ich suche eine Verbindung zu Anna Rosina Hahn, geboren 1775, Tochter des vor
1798 verstorbenen Schafmeisters Gottfried Hahn aus Brocke (Brockau?, Kreis
Breslau), die den Dreschg�rtner Johann Joseph Kn�rndel, geboren 1773, am 26.
Nov 1798 in Klein Tinz, Kreis Breslau geheiratet hat.
Mein Milde Vorfahr war der Tagel�hner Wilhelm Milde, geboren 1851 aus
Bettlern, Kreis Breslau. Er hat Anna Rosina Kn�rndel in Klein Tinz am 25.
Jan 1874 geheiratet. Er starb 1900 im Kloster der Barmherzigen Br�der in
Breslau. Sein Vater war der Arbeiter Christoph Milde aus Bettlern.
Das ist leider alles, was ich �ber diese Spitzenahnen wei�.
Mit freundlichen Gr��en aus Kalifornien,
Suche um Klein Tinz, Kreis Breslau nach:
First I must apologize for not writing in German. Always wanted to learn
but just never found the time. I am searching for information on Gottlieb
MICHEL, in Prussia, early 1800's and I need guidance! Here is what I
have regarding his family.....
Gottlieb MICHEL married in 1828 to Elizabeth FENIGER b 1805 - d 1892
(Second marriage for Gottlieb)
Elizabeth was born in Suppendorf, district of Guhrau in Silesia. At the
time of their marriage Gottlieb already had children from a previous
marriage, however we do not know the names. In 1867 Elizabeth came to
Canada, so we presume that Gottlieb had passed away.
This couples children are: (all came to Canada)
Caroline Michel b July 18, 1829 ( this may be her middle name) married
Oswald HAMPEL in 1857
Carl "Gustav" Michel b June 19, 1834 married Rosine "Caroline" FRITSCH in
1862 (born in Niederfiedrichswaldau)
Adam "Carl" Michel b approx 1844 / 46 married in Canada
Robert Michel b approx 1842 / 44
I would like to find the birth and death dates of Gottlieb and his resting
place. And of course his parents. It sounds like not all of his family
came to Canada, only the children from his second marriage, so relatives
may still be in the area???
We have also been told that Gottlieb may have been a Prussian Army Officer.
Thank you for taking the time to read....any suggestions / assistance would
be greatly appreciated.
Tom, Windsor, Ontario, Canada
tbrew@uwindsor.ca schrieb:
First I must apologize for not writing in German. Always wanted to learn
but just never found the time. I am searching for information on Gottlieb
MICHEL, in Prussia, early 1800's and I need guidance! Here is what I
have regarding his family.....
Gottlieb MICHEL married in 1828 to Elizabeth FENIGER b 1805 - d 1892
(Second marriage for Gottlieb)
Hello Tom,
hope your ancestors were catholic since the LDS seem to haven't microfilmed the protestant church records of Guhrau. The village's name was Juppendorf and belonged both catholic and protestant to the Guhrau parish. The catholic records of 1651 through 1920 are available with some minor gaps. Before 1945, there were duplicates of the church records at the Guhrau local court but I don't know if they still exist.