My ancestor's sister, from Söhlde, married (03 Jan 1858 in St. Louis, Missouri) Carl Georg MIEHE (geb. 19 Mar 1829).
Anyoone know anything of the Miehe line in old Hannover?
Bob Doerr in the beautiful Missouri Ozarks
Please see http://www.rollanet.org/~bdoerr/state.htm
Hi Bob,
the name Miehe is still around in that area. I am not related to any, but
just wanted to let you know. I know a farm near S�hlde in Klein Himstedt by
that Name.
Hi Bob,
in the "Auswandererlisten des ehemaligen Herzogtums Braunschweig 1846 - 1871
Fritz Gruhne" I found in the List of the People, which come from the village
Lesse to Amerika :
Hohmann Friederike Caroline Henriette, * 27.9.1835 unehelich, Tochter des
H�uslings Joh. Heinrich Henning Hohmann und der Joh. Henriette Wilhelmine M
i e h e , von S�hlde. Deren Tochter: Joh. Karoline Wilhelmine * 6.4.1857
unehelich. Brg.Anz. 1857/167. A.
I�m searching for the name Miehe too, but I have no connections to S�hlde
until today. My Ancestors are from R�tzum, Hohenhameln and later from Gro�
Ilsede. But all those villages are not far from S�hlde.
Have a nice day,
Andrea from Hofheim