Michael SCHMID in Reusch

Dear List Members,

The marriage record of my ancestor Johann Paul SCHMID,
dated 2 Aug 1718 in K�nigsbach, Baden, said his father was
Michael SCHMID, formerly a citizen in Reusch. I would like
to know what were the Herrschafts for Reusch, so I know if
I have the right place. Are there any Lutheran Church records
for Reusch? What years do they cover? Where do I write to
obtain information from them on Johann Paul SCHMID and
Michael SCHMID? My cousin plans to visit Germany next
year. Where should she go to obtain to information on the
SCHMIDS? I would appreciate any help or suggestions,

Die Ehe nimmt von meinem Vorfahren Johann Paul SCHMID auf,
datierte 2 Aug 1718 in K�nigsbach, Baden, besagtere sein Vater war
Michael SCHMID, ehemals ein B�rger in Reusch. Ich w�rde m�gen
wissen, da� was der Herrschafts f�r Reusch ist, also ich wei� wenn
Ich habe die richtige Stelle. Ist da irgendeine lutherische
f�r Reusch? Was Jahre decken sie? Wo mich tut schreibt zu
erhalten Sie Ausk�nfte von ihnen auf Johann Paul SCHMID und
Michael SCHMID? Mein Cousin plant, Deutschland zu besuchen
n�chste Jahr. Wo sollte sie gehen, erhalten zu zu Ausk�nfte auf dem
SCHMIDS? Ich w�rde irgendeine sch�tzen, hilft oder V�rschlage,

Celia Smith

Dear Celia!

As you can find in www.horlacher.org (It's useless to set the direct link,
you have to click your way through GERMANY, GAZETTEER and BAVARIA) there are
three REUSCHs on Bavarian territory.
One near Neumarkt (Oberpfalz), the other two in Mittelfranken near Uffenheim
and Rothenburg o d Tauber. You will also find their respective evangelical
and catholic parishes there.

The ev. churchbooks either still in the hands of the churches or concerning
Reusch/Uffenheim in the Regensburg archive.

Good luck with your research.

Greetings from Nuremberg.
