
If you are going to be critical of the way someone else writes their e-mail, please be sure that the one you write is correct. In your e-mail you put an apostrophe in the word Pastors. That would be incorrect! It is a simple plural and no apostrophe is necessary.
Some of us cannot write in German, and the Google translation is the best substitute.

Hello Ghyll,

Thank you for correcting my use of an apostrophe in the word Pastors, I didn't notice in my haste to reply to Tanya.

My suggestion to write in English was intended to be helpful advice not a critical comment as you have taken it.

The structure of sentences and grammar in German differs from English.

All nouns are capitalized in German. There are also feminine, masculine, and neutral forms. Google doesn't handle this well.

Computer generated translation is great to use on the Internet giving users a general idea of the content they are reading. Fortunately available in any one of the several languages.

This is an extremely helpful by lingual list with some very talented researchers offering sound advice and guidance to everyone.

We all wish Tanya success researching her Meyer ancestors in Nendorf and Frestorf.
