MEYER, GRASSMANN aus Oldendorf

Dear Edward Meyer,

here are the results of my trying to find something for you in the ibrary of the
the Genealogical Society in Hamburg. It was a success in one way, but in the
other not. The good message is, I found back the book:

"Hillmer, Rolf and Hans Seibert: Die Besitzerfolgen in �lterer Zeit auf den H�fen
im Kirchspiel Suderburg,Suderburg: Selbstverlag der Gemeinde Suderburg 1987, 504

It is very detailed and gives for every farm in the villages of Bahnsen, Graulin-
gen, Hamerstorf, H�sseringen, Oldendorf I, R�ber and Suderburg the totally re-
serached lines of the farmer families with all children and in most cases to
whom they were married, when they were born and when they have died. It is in one
word, what a researcher wishes to have of every place. But now the bad news. It
starts with the first documented dates, but end 1750, in some cases also a bit
later. So we can�t close the gap to 1822 in the moment. But as soon as you are
with help of the church records some 75 years more back in the time, you can take
this piece of work and find back to the beginning of researched documents, what
is in most cases between 1500 and 1600.

I am sure you will be lucky with your Sopie Grassmann, born Meyer, because there
is a farm Meyer and some more around. Although there are 500 pages and no regis-
ter of name, I looked through the pages, names are underlined, to find some
Grassmann. There was no mentioning for the time before 1750. There are Brockmann,
L�hrmann, Winkelmann, Br�ggemann, Wiermann, Bergmann, but no Grassmann. The only
names with "G" in elder times were "GR�VICKEN/GR�VECKEN/GR�EFFKEN/GERN" in Olden-
dorf (page 301 , different writings and readings of the same family name) and
"GADEMEYER" in Suderburg (page 425).

As there were especially in Oldendorf a lot of farms, which belonged to the
"Vogtei Bienenb�ttel" - the place where I live today - I lent out the book and
can answer questions to you or other researchers of the region Suderburg before
1750. So that is what I could for you in the moment. Hope it helps to get fur-

Sincerely Hans Peter Albers