I am looking for details about the Meyer family from Lachem, Hannover.
I would like to know how I can get details about emigration lists from Hannover. Could anybody tell me how to get that information. I would also appreciate it if anybody could inform me how to get info from Thomas Erbe's book about Emigrants to Brazil because my grandfather went to Brazil to visit two of his brothers (who had settled there in Florianopolis and Curitibanos). He then travelled to Uruguay.
My grandfather's name was Louis Paul Meyer (Place of Birth: Lachem am Weser (31/08/1853). His brothers were: Georg Hermann Meyer (Osnabr�ck, 5.2.1832); Albert Georg Wilhelm Meyer (Lachem 28.1.1837. He died in Bahia on June 5, 1873).
I would also like to know if there are any living relatives who might be interested in exchanging details.
I am also enclosing full details about the rest of his brothers and sisters in case there were any descendents from them.
Meyer Family:
Philip Ludwig Franz Joseph Meyer (Osnabr�ck 21.12.1794) +Hannover 16.9.1878. oo mit Rosalie Dorothee Emilie Knipping (Bremen 16.2.1810) +Lachem am Weser 30.12.1855
Aus dieser Ehe stammen 15 Kinder:
I. Helene Meyer (Osnabruck, 10.11.1828)
II.Eduard Carl Rudolph Meyer (Osnabr�ck 12.2.1830 oo Catharina Tausch
III.Georg Hermann Meyer (Osnabr�ck 5.2.1832, +Florianopolis (Brazil)8.7.1899
IV.Hermann Louis Meyer (Lachem 26.10.1833) +Hannover 3.1918
V, Caroline Marie Pauline Meyer (Lachem,18.2.1835)
VI.Albert Georg Wilhelm Meyer (26.10.1833) +Bahia (Brazil) 6.5.1873
VII.Rosalie Dorothee Carline Adele Meyer (Lachem, 28.1.1837) oo Albert Dyrks Cramer
VIII.Marie Friderike Adolphe Meyer (Lachem 4.11.1840)
IX.Charlotte Annette Meyer (Lachem 22.8.1842) +Hamburg 6.7.1927
X.Clementine Louise Meyer (Lachem 7.8.1844) +Nannover 17.2.1919
XI Carl Meyer (Lachem 3.5.1846
XII. Elisabeth Caroline Helene Meyer (Lachem 29.11.1847)
XIII. Victorine Leopolde George Meyer (Lachem 13.6.1850) +Hannover 11.1934
XIV.Louis Paul Meyer (Lachem 31.8.1853) +Young 1939 (Uruguay)
XV.Theodore Charlotte Meyer (Lachem 10.11.1855)oo mit Franz Huch
Thank you for your co-peration
Isa aus Uruguay
Boa noite, Isa.
Encontrei o site do thomas-erbe, onde tem a possibilidade de ver os dados
sobre os meyers. Eu recebi copias escaneadas das p�ginas que indiquei. Tenho
alguns meyers aqui. Vou separar para lhe enviar por e-mail. espero que
Emigrantes para o Brasil from Braunschweig. from Thomas Erbe.
If you cannot read portugues please tell me. I send the message in English,
because I am "zero" in Germany.
Best regards
Leni Buch from Brazil
Hello Leni:
Thank you so much for your reply. I think that all that information will be very helpful. It's O.K for me if you write in Portuguese. I'm really thankful to you and to the other members of the List as all of you are willing to help.
I look forward to reading the scanned pages of the book so as to find the missing details.
Best regards,
Isa aus Montevideo
Leni <jofm@directnet.com.br> escribi�:
Boa noite, Isa.
Encontrei o site do thomas-erbe, onde tem a possibilidade de ver os dados
sobre os meyers. Eu recebi copias escaneadas das p�ginas que indiquei. Tenho
alguns meyers aqui. Vou separar para lhe enviar por e-mail. espero que
Emigrantes para o Brasil from Braunschweig. from Thomas Erbe.
If you cannot read portugues please tell me. I send the message in English,
because I am "zero" in Germany.
Best regards
Leni Buch from Brazil
Hello Isabel,
Some of your family is included in the Hannover emigration archives.
There is a listing for Louis Paul Meyer (6425) from the region of Hameln
(which would include Lachem).
This is the code that is given with his name:
Bestell-Nr.: Hauptstaatsarchiv Hannover, Hann. 74 Hameln Nr. 506
With that code you can order records from the emigration archives of
Hannover. This is the email address:
You can ask for the records there, which will probably include his
parents' names, residence or place of birth, occupation etc.
There are many about 18 Meyers listed from the Hameln area:
George Hermann Meyer, Albert Wilhelm Meyer, etc. You may like to see the
list so I will send you the information which may help you through that
website which is a bit complicated if you don't know German. I'm presuming
you would be most interested in Louis Paul, since that is your direct
ancestor. I think the cost for the records is probably $25 or $30 (or
Euros). You can inquire with the emigration center and ask what the charge
will be. They will mail it to you.
If you have any other questions, let me know. I will send the
information regarding the Emigration archives of Hannover. There is a way
you can determine what other Meyers came from that same area. I'll do that
tomorrow if I can.
I am looking for a Henry Steffens from Hanover (not sure if town or area) around 1850-1870. All I know is he came through New York. Brothers include Adolph and Leonard. Settled in Concordia, Missouri. Does anyone know how to access the ship manifest from Germany?
I think he came as a young person.... do not think he came with his parents.
Janice Rinne
Raytown, MO USA
Hello Janice,
I've spent some time looking for your Steffens and I think it would
help if you clarified the dates. Do you mean Henry was born between 1850 -
1870 or that he emigrated in those years? Also, did Adolph and Leonard also
emigrate with him?
Hello again,
There is a listing on Castlegarden.org for Heinrich Steffens, age 50,
from Hannover (port Bremen) to New York on the ship Doctor Falk - date 13
Dec 1873. Destination: Missouri.
Also on that ship: Meta - age 52, Johanne -age 20, Meta-age 17, and Clara
- age 10.
Place of origin is Hanover. That isn't very helpful>
Unfortunately, there wasn't a Adolph and Leonard on the list. Also the
emigration archives doesn't have the Steffens family listed either. Many
people left without going through the application process.
Is your family on the LDS census 1880 Iist? I don't see one for
Concordia, MO. There is a family in Williams, Benton MO. Maybe Meta means
Maybe you have a different family than the above....
This is helpful. Thank you.
Those dates would be the time when he came to America, as I understand it.
Heinrich Steffens was born March 26, 1848 - I think around Hanover
Hi am looking for a Katherine Doctor
born January 13, 1864 in Germany
believed to have come to America at a young age
Jan Steffens Rinne
Hi Jan:
It appears that you have a lot of home work to do States-side before looking in Germany.
1. Doctor was unlikely Doctor in Germany. I believe that it would be translated Doktor. On the other hand it could be an American phonetic spelling (sound) of the word.
2. Give the list some hints.
You gave the birth date.
Young age 1 to 10 ? 10 to 20?
If under 18 or 20 there would probably been someone else with her. Who?
Where did she live in the States? The List can be helpful in finding information States-side.
Was she married, have children?
Doctor her maiden name, I assume so, but it is best to confirm.
Don' worry, I bet you will get a lot of ideas.
Hello Jan,
I would disagree with Gale that there aren't persons from Germany
with the name of Doctor (as a surname). There are 21 hits on the German
metasearch site and a few on rootsweb, several on castlegarden.org - also
quite a few in today's telephone book.
However, Gale is right that we need more information. One important
item is what part of Germany is she from? That should be listed on a
census. Did she marry--what is her husband's name? etc etc.
The only informtion I have been able to get is the following:
Katherine Doctor born 1/13/1864 - died 4/10/1940 in Alma, Missouri
Married to Henry F Nienheuser (DOB 2/26/1861)
they lived in Alma, Missouri (Lafayette County)
They had 11 children (all deceased)
Reinhold 1/21/1897 - 9/27/1984 - I think he lived in Alma, Missouri
Regina 7/27/1899 - 10/19/1975 - married name Becker - lived in Concordia, Missouri
Lena 2/11/1895 - 8/25/1971 married to Herman Steffens lived in Concordia, Lexington, & Corder, Missouri
Marie 4/24/1893 - 5/31/1985 married to Adolph Steffens lived in Concordia and Auville, Missouri
Will this likely be enough information?
Jan, I know someone who might know living people in that Katherine Doctor family. He's a native of Concordia, Mo. I went to school there for two years, before the death dates of some of those people, but the names don't ring any bells. Except for working at the Favorite Cafe, I was pretty restricted to campus -- we all were in those days.
If you'd like me to put you in touch with my friend, email me privately.
I'd also like to ask you about the Rinne name, but off-list. Has nothing to do with my personal genealogy.
Photos: http://lorettasphotos.photosite.com
Videos: http://krumbar.neptune.com
Families: Artesia Twp., Iroquois Co., Illinois: Index to several prominent families
I'm wondering if the spelling of the name is Nienheuser (more likely
Nienhueser?). I've seen both.
I came across two listings on the LDS page of Katherine Doetar married
to Henry Nienhueser. Have you looked at that? Both give an address for the
person who placed it there. You could try to contact her and see where she
got the information. The birth of Katherine is listed as 1869 in Alma, MO.
Granted that could be all wrong. The listings have both Katherine and Henry
born in Alma, MO. Do you have a copy of their marriage? That may give the
birthplace. Or the children's baptisms or birth records may have it. What
do the various census say about birthplace?
I think you would do well if you used Ancestry.com. They have many of
the census records right online. Other items like marriages and immigration
records. It costs money--I don't know exactly how much. It is usually
available on computers in LDS centers (free). Also in city libraries
(free). I think you will surely might find more information using Ancestry.
I've done a lot of searching online and just can't come up with anything
helpful for you. I'm sure you will find the information on that couple
eventually. It does take time.
Good luck,
I hope Janice sees your email, because we all know to be fluid with our spelling. Smudged letters and just plain old mistakes can make for interesting things. (I got a letter recently from someone looking for one of my lines, and I suspect the spelling was either misspelled on a census or that branch of the family simply changed their name somewhat.)
I confirmed the pronunciation of Katherine's married name just this morning with a gentleman who knew Katherine Doctor's children and probably knows some of her grandchildren -- and Katherine's name is Doctor. All I had to say to him was Katherine Doctor, and he supplied the married name immediately as I had forgotten to bring Janice's email with me and couldn't remember it immediately. He pronounced the second syllable "hoy". An interesting thing is that he also toyed with "Noyn-hoy-ser" but never "Neen-hoo-ser" or "Neen-hi-ser."
Katherine and her husband lived in Alma. The distance from Alma to Concordia is very short, and Concordia (Harmony in its earliest years) is a center of Lutheran education, having had a pre-ministerial boarding high school and junior college -- all male for many years -- then became a coed school at the college level for teacher training and now is a coed high school with both boarders and "townies," as we called them.
The presence of a campus on such a grand scale for the time and in that place made for jobs. At 50 miles, it was a loooong way from Kansas City in those days, and even farther from St. Louis, the acknowleged "center" of ministerial training in those years, though always challenged by Springfield, Ill. and now Fort Wayne.
My friend was a "townie," though many years before I enrolled as a secunda (female student in the second-from-highest class). In my day, the school was St. Paul Lutheran High School and St. Paul Junior College. (Our mail bags often ended up at Concordia College, St. Paul, Minnesota.) Only the high school remains, and much of the campus -- including some of the furniture in the dorm rooms! -- remains the same as it was in the 1960s, though Founders Hall burned with a great crashing of pianos into the basement, the dining hall was torn down and replaced with a new building at the other end of the campus, the old high school men's dormitory (Blitz Hall I think) has recently been spared from demolition with a major renovation funded largely by the alumni.
The campus was both much loved and much despised. I suppose that's true of most.
SPC '62
THANKS for all your help!
Thank you...
I was with some of her grandchildren and great grandchildren today. It was the 80th birthday of one of her granddaughters.... only one seemed to know anything. I did find another second cousin who is also researching.... she has not found anything on Katherine either.
One grandchild - now 84 - seems to remember her mom saying Katherine came from Hanover at age 6