Hello Gale Bosche
THANKS for the Amen.
It is just awful how the ACLU, the Atheistic folks, and others cannot see
the INTELLIGENT DESIGN of the universe. Nature Glorifies the Creator and
it could not be any more simple. Yet Believers are now called 'the Simple'.
This time, when good shall be called evil ; and evil called good; was
predicted for
the End Times; along with calamities and situations with no clear answers.
I know many of our ancestors emigrated to find Peace from War, and to find
land of Plenty. Well we still have wars and rumors of War , and our land
is full
of Plenty alright.... plenty of problems.
2000 years ago a babe was born in Bethleham. His genealogy is recorded in
the Bible
twice. Once for Mary's bloodline; and once for the legalites of Joseph.
His Life
was a miracle, His ressurection and current ministry to us-- is a miracle.
Our Rapture
will be a miracle. We cannot give him too much Praise or Thanks. AND
we should not let the heathen, un-seeing, unknowing, unbelievers Control
our thinking; even
if they are college graduates or higher in Authority.
PS If you have heard of Bible Codes or Torah Codes (same thing)
This is another miraculous thing----events, names, etc that only by using
language and computer tecknology of the End Days can be found. Why?? To
persuade the Jewish (His favorite) that God is still God.
Maurice Woolsoncroft