I am searching for any information on Sophie HAGEMANN from Meinstadt
Hannover. Her birthdate is 16 Nov 1823. She sailed to America on the Ship
Margaretha leaving Bremen port on September 1, 1845 and arriving in
Galveston, Texas on December 1, 1845. After leaving Galveston, she stayed
in New Braunfels for a short while and then headed to Fredericksburg and is
believed to be one of the first to marry there. Her husband, Heinrich, is
considered on of the founding fathers.
Thank you in advance for any help you might give me.
Janice Seiler
Citizens Medical Center
2701 Hospital Drive
Victoria, TX 77901
Hi Janice,
I can find no town in Hannover with the name of Meinstadt. I saw the
shiplist where Sophie is listed. I think the town is spelled Meinstedt.
There is a little village by that name northeast of Bremen. You can find it
on mapquest.com if you want to see the location. It is northeast of Zeven -
quite a small town. If your people went to church, I think they would have
gone to the church in Heeslingen which is nearby.
The LDS has records for Heeslingen:
Kirchenbuch, 1715-1852
Evangelische Kirche Heeslingen (Kr. Zeven) (Main Author)
If you are near a LDS center, you can order the film and view it there.
I hope this is right for you. I can't guarantee anything!
Thanks so much for your help. We do have an LDS center in Victoria, TX near
where I work. I've been meaning to stop by there for some time, so now I
have a very good reason to go. Wish me luck!
There is not a Hagemann address in Meinstedt, but the next Hagemann address to Hesslingen-Meinstedt (about 10 miles) is:
Hagemann, Fritz
Neuer Löhdamm 5
27404 Rhade
Good luck,
I was hoping someone might be able to translate this inscription for me. My
g-g-grandmother fostered a child and they put this on his tombstone:
We geherten nicht zur Menge
Doch Der Wiltraum war zu enge
Zu fufren dieses Mutterlein
Las mich ewig geborgen sein
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Janice Seiler schrieb:
I was hoping someone might be able to translate this inscription for me. My
g-g-grandmother fostered a child and they put this on his tombstone:
We geherten nicht zur Menge
Doch Der Wiltraum war zu enge
Zu fufren dieses Mutterlein
Las mich ewig geborgen sein
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hannover-L mailing list
hannover-l - genealogy.net
Hello Janice,
We didn't belong to the crowd
but the space on earth was too crowded
down to the feet of this little mother
let me be sheltered eternally
"fufren" must be a misspelling, perhaps it's "Fue�en, Fuessen" U-Umlaut ?
Best regards from Bremen
Eberhard Haering
Thanks for the translation. If I got the story right, this young man's
ashes were buried at the foot of my g-g-grandmother's grave, so this fits
Eberhard Haering schrieb:
Janice Seiler schrieb:
I was hoping someone might be able to translate this inscription for me. My
g-g-grandmother fostered a child and they put this on his tombstone:
We geherten nicht zur Menge
Doch Der Wiltraum war zu enge
Zu fufren dieses Mutterlein
Las mich ewig geborgen sein
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hello Janice,
We didn't belong to the crowd
but the space on earth was too crowded
down to the feet of this little mother
let me be sheltered eternally
"fufren" must be a misspelling, perhaps it's "Fue�en, Fuessen" U-Umlaut ?
Best regards from Bremen
Eberhard Haering
Thanks Eberhard
for the translation. But this inscription is written in a
very bad german, may be it is slang.
Janice should know the correkt german spelling:
We geherten nicht zur Menge
Wir geh�rten nicht zur Menge
Doch Der Wiltraum war zu enge
Doch der Welt(en)raum war zu enge
Zu fufren dieses Mutterlein
Zu F��en dieses M�tterlein(s)
Las mich ewig geborgen sein
Laߴ mich ewig geborgen sein
Thanks for giving me the "correct" German phrasing. I'm sure we have
Americanized the original German over the years. I myself have rarely seen
it in print, relying only on conversations with my parents and grandparents
to learn German as a child. Reading the list messages is helping me
understand the written word.
The inscription has some errors mixed with old German words. I think it should be in German language:
Wir gehörten nicht zur Menge.
Doch der Weltraum war zu Enge.
Zu führen dieses Mütterlein.
Lass mich ewig geborgen sein.
Tranlated by computer program:
We didn't belong to the crowd.
But the space was to narrowness.
Leading this little mother.
Let me be saved eternally.
I hope it is understandable.
Werner Honkomp
Werner Honkomp schrieb:
The inscription has some errors mixed with old German words. I think it should be in German language:
Wir geh�rten nicht zur Menge.
Doch der Weltraum war zu Enge.
Zu f�hren dieses M�tterlein.
Lass mich ewig geborgen sein.
Tranlated by computer program:
We didn't belong to the crowd.
But the space was to narrowness.
Leading this little mother.
Let me be saved eternally.
I hope it is understandable.
Werner Honkomp
I was hoping someone might be able to translate this inscription for me.
g-g-grandmother fostered a child and they put this on his tombstone:
We geherten nicht zur Menge
Doch Der Wiltraum war zu enge
Zu fufren dieses Mutterlein
Las mich ewig geborgen sein
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hello Janice and Werner,
the translation of the third line doesn't make much sence referring to the fosterling. Since he/she was burried near his/her foster-mother the child's existence
wouldn't be mentioned in Werner's translation at all. Janice, do you have a picture of the tombstone to get a definite German version of the inscription?
Best regards
Eberhard your ar a right,
I interpreted fufren to "führen", but I'm now sure, it should be "Füßen".