Can anyone help me with the meaning of TRUHN or THRUN. I do not think it is a
common German name.
Thank you
Eric Truhn schrieb:
Can anyone help me with the meaning of TRUHN or THRUN. I do not think it is a
common German name.
Thank you
Eric Truhn
There is special literature for that theme one will find under the key-word
"Namenkunde", "Namenbuch" or "Personennamen" sometimes combined with "deutsches".
The only one I have got, does not mention THRUN. But I can tell you, what the
meaning or the associations for a native speaker of the German is: so one is
TRUHE. If derived from this German word the sense is chest or trunk. Another
sense comes into it, if you think of it as a low-german expression. In this case
it sounds as high-german TRAUEN and that would make the sense of trust and
confide. But as science often leads to surprising, not expected results one
should take a look into more works of the special literature. There should be an
actual survey of existing books in: RIBBE, Wolfgang ..., Taschenbuch f�r
Familiengeschichtsforschung, which is continualy renewed with every new edition.
Two elder titles are:
- Bahlow, Hans: Niederdeutsches Namenbuch, walluf bei Wiesbaden 1971
- Gottschald, Max: Deutsche Namenkunde, Berlin 1970
Best regards Hans Peter Albers, Bienenb�ttel
Does anyone have a book that has the meaning of the name ALLERS? or
Thanks, Tom