Mayors of rostock

I,m researching my family name, BUSING or BUESING.
i have been told in about the year 1490 the Mayor of Rostock, was a person by the surname of BUSING

Would anyone be able to tell me if there was a person of that name, a Mayor of Rostock, and years
Also i would like to know more about him and if there iis a photo of him,
Researching:- BUSING, BUESING Rostock, Mecklenberg:;
Busing, New Zealand; Busing, Buising, Buesing, Qld, AUST
SULLIVAN, Ireland , Sth Aust,Victoria, AUST; New Zealand
HOFFMAN,Cty Kerry Ireland;Hudson, NH, USA; New Zealand
PUTT, Devon England; Taranaki, NEW ZEALAND
SAYLES; Quebec, Canada; Akaroa, NZ; Waiarapa, NZ;
Wellington, NEW ZEALAND