Marhenke search

To the list,

I have been researching the MARHENKE name for 35 years. In this time I
have written to MARHENKE'S where ever I could find one. I have had
several replies and therefore I have accumulated much MARHENKE
information. Most of it, I can not connect to my line of MARHENKE'S as
of today. I am sure some day many will connect.

I have traced my direct line to southwest of Hannover in the area of
Wallensen, Thuste, Marienhagen, Weensen, Deinsen and Banteln. I know that
my Great Grandfather along with 3 brothers and his mother came to the USA
and Indiana in the early 1850's. I also know one brother did not come
with them so he may have stayed in Germany and possibly could link up to
some of the MARHENKE information I have. I also have information of two
generations of MARHENKE'S prior to my Great Grandfather CHRISTIAN

I am "pleading" for some kind soul to help me research this MARHENKE
brother or information about these earlier generations. I have exhausted
every lead I know of including films from LDS. If some one is going to
the archives I would be happy to share expenses with them in return for
some research. It would please me very much to find a cousin in Germany.

If you can help me, please contact me.
Bob Marhenke
1732 Rancho Rd
Lincoln NE 68502
402 423-6203 fax 402 423-6203

I'm sure you have searched the German telephone book--right?