To the list,
My name is Bob MARHENKE I live in Lincoln Nebraska.
I am writing to inform any one interested, that I have a Database of
MARHENKE information that I have collected through the years. Some of
this information was sent to me and some of it I have gleaned from
several sources on the Internet. MARHENKE is not a real common name and
it's roots are from near HANNOVER GERMANY. I collected all of this
information hoping someday I could find a connection to my MARHENKE line.
This has not happened and since I am nearing eighty years of age, I
doubt it is going to happen. It is doing no good in my computer so I am
hoping it could help someone else.
Write to me if you have a connection to the MARHENKE'S and I will gladly
share with you. Of course I am also interested in any information you
might care to share with me. Still looking---Bob