Margrethe Else Hussmann

Hallo, liebe Oldenburg-Listenteilnehmer,

wer kann mir weiterhelfen?

Geburts- und Taufregister der ev.-luth. Kirchengemeinde zu Schmalförden, Jahrg. 1800 Seite 53 Nr. 15

Täufling: Anna Sophie Margarethe EHLERS geb. 06.04.1800 zu Schweringhausen, get. 10.04.1800 zu Schmalförden.

Eltern: Hinr. Herrmann EHLERS zu Schweringhausen und dessen Ehefrau Margrethe Ilse HUSSMANN aus Großen-Bessen oder -Lessen.

Diesen Ort kenne ich nicht. Hat jemand eine Idee, wie der Ort heißen könnte?

Ich warte voller Spannung auf eure Hilfe.

Viele Grüße

Hallo Traute,

Groß-Lessen liegt bei Sulingen, ebenso wie Klein-Lessen.
Gross-Lessen hat ca. 700 Einwohner
Kirchenbücher liegen in Hannover und in Diepholz.

Schönen Abend

----- Original Nachricht ----

Hallo Klaus,

danke f�r den Hinweis. Sag mal, hast du auch Verwandte in Meyenburg? Ich bin gerade dabei die Buck-Familie zu aktualisieren und dabei stie� ich auf diese Verbindung: Johann Hinrich Buck *06.04.1874 in Meyenburg +13.12.1957 in Meyenburg, oo am 03.11.1901 in Meyenburg mit Meta Gesine Auguste WREDE *01.02.1874 in Meyenburg.

Viele Gr��e

Hallo Klaus,

k�nntest du mir kurz mitteilen, wo genau sich die Kirchenb�cher in Hannover und Diepholz befinden?

Danke f�r die M�he.
Viele Gr��e

Am I correct in understanding that the symbol ~ indicates a baptism date?

Numerous entries in the Jade CD have something like the following:
...*am 27.7.1702 (~) in Gristede, Ammerland, ~ am 27.7.1702 in
Wiefelstede, Ammerland..."

Does this mean that the only birth date we have is the baptismal date?
Obviously, he wasn't baptized in two places at once.

Also, this is followed by "= am 8.4.1728 in Wiefelstede, Ammerland." (The
two parallel lines are wavy, but I can't do that here.) Is that marriage?
Proclamation? Something else?

I'm sure there's an index to the symbols and abbreviations somewhere on
the CD, but I haven't found it.

Thanks for your help.


Hi, Marilyn,
  below, please see some of the symbols and abbreviations used in genealogic lists etc. To the best of my knowledge, a single wavy line in brackets, i.e. (t) indicates �not baptized�. Therefore, in case of your example, �born, but not baptized, July 27,1702 in Gristede, baptized July 27, 1792 in Wiefelstede, Ammerland�.
                              Genealogic Symbols:
  * born G divorced
  u illegitimately born � died
  x stillborn v killed in action in war
  gs died on day of birth b buried t baptized ♀ female
  ≈ confirmed ♂ male
  K married (in church)
  H married (at registrar�s office)
  In case you need any additional information, please feel free to let me know.
  Have a nice week-end
  Peter Sch�tte schrieb: Am I correct in understanding that the symbol ~ indicates a baptism date?

Numerous entries in the Jade CD have something like the following:
...*am 27.7.1702 (~) in Gristede, Ammerland, ~ am 27.7.1702 in
Wiefelstede, Ammerland..."

Does this mean that the only birth date we have is the baptismal date?
Obviously, he wasn't baptized in two places at once.

Also, this is followed by "= am 8.4.1728 in Wiefelstede, Ammerland." (The
two parallel lines are wavy, but I can't do that here.) Is that marriage?
Proclamation? Something else?
Thanks for your help.

* - Born
~ - Baptized
≈ or oo - Married
† - Died
Small rectangle (can't do that one) - buried

Here's an online legend:

It says the double wavy line indicates baptism (as does my other source), but I've only seen it used to indicate marriage.

I think the (~) must mean illegitimate. My reference says that (*) means born illegitimate, but in this case, the simple is with the birth entry, and then followed by a baptismal entry. So I would assume that means an illegitimate birth. wrote: