
Thank you for explaining to us "Newbies" here in the USA researching our ancestors.
May I ask your help ? I'm trying to find my Grt.GF birth or passport information. Where would I start? His last residence in 1884 shows Magdeburg. His birth year 1868. ?
Also how can I find (in English) any surnames in the telephone Directory in that area?
Thank you for your help and fellow kindness.

Did you miss the post by Werner with Magdeburg information and two surnames
listed in your area? I would write to the two Stemmlers listed Carole

Here it is again:
The German phone directory ( - also in english) shows a
lot of Stemmler addresses in Germany, but only two in Magdeburg:

Stemmler, Friedrich phone(0391) 4011730
  Damaschkeweg 21
  39122 Magdeburg

Stemmler, Olaf phone(0391) 6224744
  Dachsbreite 6 A
  39120 Magdeburg

We have only one Magdeburg in Germany, it is located in Province Sachsen (a
part of Prussia) since 1866, later Sachsen-Anhalt. Since 1815 it was a part
of the Kingdom Preussen (Prussia), close to the boarder of the Kingdom
Hannover. After 1866 was Hannover also a part of Prussia.