I have the book, 700 Jahre Haverbeck. In it I found the following about
Mackes who emigrated to The United States.
A line of descent is given to Johan Henrich Macke Bolke (b. 28.12.1767, d.
13.3.1813) and Maria Agnes Deters A son of theirs was:
Henrich Arend Macke (b. 4.6.1802, d. 27.8. 1868) a Kötter in Haverbeck, m.
28.7.1829 Catharina Haverbeck. One of Henrrich and Catharina’s ten children,
Josefine Catharina, b. 19.10.1829, m. 12.5.1859 Joh. Heinr. Brune of
Hinnekamp. They (the Brunes) along with a daughter, went to The U S in 1881.
A son of Henrrich and Catharina, Clemens Macke, went, with his second wife
and family and the Brune family to The U S in 1881. Clemens was b. 2.2.1842,
married (1) 6.7.1870 Maria Elisabeth von Lehmden. They had three children:
Clemens Aug. and Franz Ferdinand (twins b. 24.7.1871), and Bernard Ferdinand (b.
10.4.1874, d. 1875). His first wife, Elisabeth, died 5.1.1875. On 25.8.1875
Clemens married Maria Catharina Deters (b. 2.8.1847). No children are listed
for this family, nor further data on the children who went to The US with the
Another son, Franz, b. 29.1.1847, died in Chicago 2.9.1908.
I can’t tell from the book where in The US any of these people went. Perhaps
you can find them in Cincinnati. If you need any further details, there is
some I can send.
In Haverbeck the name apparently started as Bolke, became Macke Bolke, then
just Macke. There are Bohlke, Macke, and Macke-Bolke farms mentioned in the
records, though the Macke farm and the Macke-Bohlke farm may be the same.
In the book there is a list of Auswanderer from Haverbeck. The Mackes listed
1832 Clemens Macke
1833 Heinrich and Maria Catharina Macke
1833 Johann Bernard Macke
1837 Franz and Bernard Macke
1878 Franz Macke, Bauer, same as mentioned above, went to Chicago.
1881 Clemens Macke as listed above. Four persons
Nancy Pundsack
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