I am searching for any information on a family surname Luessen or L�ssen from the mid 1800's. They were from near Oyten or Achim near Bremen. There were at least 7 children. Unfortunately I only have the English versions of their names. The parents were John Luessen and Magreta Meyer. The children were Henry born about 1850, John, Margaret, Anna, Catherine, Maria, and Gesina. Anna married in Germany to a man whose surname was Bishoff. Catherine married a Henry Breuer probably in Germany. Most of the family emigrated to USA in the between 1869 and 1885. The father probably died in Germany as his wife emigrated alone to USA in about 1880. Most of them at least, passed through the Cinicnnati, Ohio area after arriving in the USA.
Are you aware that the LDS has church records for Achim?
Kirchenbuch, 1542-1897 Evangelische Kirche Achim (Kr. Achim)
You can go to a LDS center and order the films and view them there.
Unfortunately there is not a listing for Oyten.
You should check here: GEDBAS: New search
Do a search there and you will see a number of Lüssen names from Sagehorn
which is just north of Oyten. There are others there as well. You can
contact the person(s) who put the information online.
Also try: Startseite
There is an index to the census for the Achim area on this website.
Perhaps you have already looked at all these sites. You'll find your people
eventually - you have enough information since you know their place of
origin. That helps!
It looks like they go back a long way, but how you get
them, I don't know.
Also, the 1852 census for Achim have been translated and
interperted by Jens M�ller-Koppe at the following e-mail
address: hrs@hist.de
Jens is a professional genealogist, but I am not obtaining
any financial gain by mentioning his name. He has census
records interperted and translated for Achim. Depending
upon the Euro and dollar, the price could be $12 to $20
for a copy.
It looks like Barbara has already passed on some of this info.