Ferdinand STRAUSS, born circa 1810, married circa 1830 in Ballethen (Baletken) (Sadovoye), Kreis Goldap, East Prussia (now Russia) to Wilhelmine LUBLITZ (oder BUBLITZ), born circa 1810. Seeking parents and proof of marriage. Ferdinand was a "free man" (Losmann). Nothing more is known about them.
They had a daughter Amalie STRAUSS, born 28 April 1835 in Ballethen, died 1906 in Allenstein (Olsztyn), Kreis Allenstein, East Prussia (now Poland). She married Johann Friedrich KAMAR, born 3 April 1828 Bronisze (Bronischen) (Wittichsfelde) near Gurnen (Gorne), Kreis Goldap, East Prussia (now Russia).
New information says Amalie's descendants live today in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Please write Zelda Zeuge Dubel, rvdubel@msn.com Thanks.