Oh my gosh, I LOVE goetta! I had no idea it came from northern
Germany. My dad always calls it "grits," and I thought that was really
what grits were until I went down south. I was the only one in the
family who would eat it with Dad, and we both liked to put maple syrup
on it. I ate breakfast at a Frisch's Big Boy a few years ago in
Cincinnati, and they had goetta on the buffet. My wife cringed as she
watched me eat it, but like my grandfather used to say, "People don't
know what's good." It's also served at a church breakfast I attend
annually with my father in Batesville, Indiana (fairly close to
Cincinnati). Gosh, I guess I've been carrying on a tradition all this
time and didn't even know it.
Thanks for all the suggestions!
Andrew Laker