Hi friends,
I've been thinking of starting a tradition once a year to honor my
family's Oldenburger-Munsterland heritage, and I'd really like to
include some traditional dishes from the area. Can anyone suggest a
recipe or two, or perhaps point me in the right direction where I
might find some online?
Andrew Laker
Hello Andrew,
some years ago I got a historical cooking book from a man in Kansas - but in German language:
Praktisches Kochbuch f�r die Deutschen in Amerika
Nach der 36. Auflage des deutschen Kochbuches der Henriette Davidis
bearbeitet von Hedwig Voss in Chicago.
Zweite amerikanische Ausgabe.
Printed by George Brumder, Milwaukee 1897 - 633 pages
There you can find a lot of recipes.
Maybe you can find it by Google etc. ......?!
Here an typical recipe of the Oldenburg area - in english:
Grünkohlessen - Wikipedia
Here an other rustical dishes:
Birnen, Bohnen und Speck - Wikipedia
Here an pancake, but in german language:
Good luck,
Werner Honkomp
Hello Andrew,
here an other typical dishes from Oldenburger-M�nsterland, it called Gr�tzwurst, or low german G�tte - it came over to Cincinnati and called there Goetta:
Goetta - Wikipedia
Here recipes:
An other low german term for Gr�tzwurst is "Pr�tt":
I love it,
Werner Honkomp
Hello Werner,
Yesterday I spent the day with a 3rd cousin who lives in Florida but came to Cincinnati for the weekend. She was telling me that every time she comes to Cincinnati she has to have goetta. Did you know that once a year the Gliers sponsor a Goettafest over in Newport (across the river from Cincinnati)? I also attended a really interesting talk Saturday by our genealogical society given by a man who is working to revitalize Cincinnati's Over-the-Rhine neighborhood and what he refers to as the Brewery District. The whole talk discussed what it was like to be German in Cincinnati 150 years ago. Wish you could have been here.
Here is a link to the Goettafest in Cincinnati: http://www.goettafest.com/
Hello Kathy,
yes I know about the goetta festival.
I know also, Over-the-Rhine was a Brewery District.
I have a book "Cincinnati Breweries" it shows also the biography of Louis Hudepohl (Hudepohl Brewery), his father is born near Neuenkirchen(Oldenburg) - close to Holdorf, which you visited.
Have a nice day,
Is this a Genealogy Web-site/Forum or a cooking class ???
(Btw, I'm good at cooking these dishes)
Oh boy. I just ate but I'm hungry again.