Looking for place

I am looking for a place in the Kingdom of Hannover by the name of Amt.
Furstenau the place where my G.G. Grandmother was born. Her name was
Carolina A. Rippb or at least that looks like the spelling of her last name
on her marriage certificate.
George Soergel

Hi George,
     Well, you can take your pick for Furstenau. There are several. I
think the Amt. just means region, doesn't it? The LDS website lists these:

Germany, Braunschweig, Fürstenau
Germany, Preußen, Hannover, Fürstenau
Germany, Preußen, Westfalen, Fürstenau
Germany, Sachsen, Fürstenau
Germany, Preußen, Westpreußen, Fürstenau (Kr. Elbing)
Germany, Preußen, Schlesien, Fürstenau (Kr. Freystadt)
Germany, Preußen, Schlesien, Fürstenau (Kr. Neumarkt)

I'm not sure which is in the Kingdom of Hannover. I'm never sure what was in
Hannover or or Prussia. I guess Braunschweig, Sachsen and Schlesien would be
That name doesn't look like anything I've ever seen. Wouldn't it be just
Ripp?? You can go to http://www.gendex.com:8080/display?page=surnames& and
see variations of Ripp.
Good luck,

Barbara Stewart schrieb:

Hi George,
     Well, you can take your pick for Furstenau. There are several. I
think the Amt. just means region, doesn't it? The LDS website lists these:

Germany, Braunschweig, F�rstenau
Germany, Preu�en, Hannover, F�rstenau
Germany, Preu�en, Westfalen, F�rstenau
Germany, Sachsen, F�rstenau
Germany, Preu�en, Westpreu�en, F�rstenau (Kr. Elbing)
Germany, Preu�en, Schlesien, F�rstenau (Kr. Freystadt)
Germany, Preu�en, Schlesien, F�rstenau (Kr. Neumarkt)

By Postcode-numbers, which doesn�t include the former parts of Germany, we can
- 49584 F�rstenau bei Bramsche, Hase
- 01778 F�rstenau b. Dippoldiswalde
- F�rstenau, Kr. H�xter = 37671 H�xter
- F�rstenau Post Woltorf, Kr.Peine = 38159 Vechelde
if you substract "Schlesien and "Westpreu�en" the total number is again four
F�rtenau, but I�m not quite sure, if they can all be put into one order, or if
there might be some more places of that name.

Greetings Hans Peter Albers