Looking for location of town

Years ago, I used a service of Arthur Teschler called GEO. One could e-email the name of a town to him and get an automated response given the location of the town.

Does anyone know if that is still functioning?


Mona schrieb:

I am looking for a town called Woffensen or Woffersen possibly in the Kingdom of Hannover. I have a family member born in 1890. Some family records say she was born in Germany and some say Hannover. I found the application for her husband's passport on Ancestry and the place of her birth written on the application appears to be Woffensen. or Woffersen. I would appreciate any help in locating this town.
Thank you sincerely.

> Years ago, I used a service of Arthur Teschler called GEO. One could
> e-email the name of a town to him and get an automated response given
> the location of the town.
> Does anyone know if that is still functioning?
> Mona
Hi Mona,

yes, GEO is still alive but it's not supported anymore.
more info can be found here
English version: <http://wiki-en.genealogy.net/GeoServ&gt;
German version: <http://wiki-de.genealogy.net/GeoServ&gt;
GEO only covers the area of the former Bundesrepublik - pre 1989.

Hope this helps


Don't know about that resource but you could try www.fallingrain.com

which seems to have every little village in the world!
