Locating Pollhofen

Is Pollhofen near Hannover, the city?
Is Pollhofen in Niedersachsen?
Is Niedersachsen State the former Hannover?

Hello Alton,

     Pollhöfen is east of Celle, northeast of the city of Hannover. It
would have been in the Kingdom of Hannover. Here are two maps to see where
Hannover was and where Niedersachsen is today:


   Mapquest.com can help you find where Pollhöfen is located more


"Alton L. Buehring" <buehrin@attglobal.net> schrieb:

Is Pollhofen near Hannover, the city?
Is Pollhofen in Niedersachsen?
Is Niedersachsen State the former Hannover?

Hello Alton,

Pollhofen is 55 km north-east of the city of Hannover and 25 km east of the city of Celle.
The right spelling is Pollhöfen (Pollhoefen with Umlaut oe = ö).

It is in Niedersachsen.

The present Bundesland Niedersachsen was formed 1946 by the former Hannover, Oldenburg, Btaunschweig and Schaumburg-Lippe.

Wilfried (Petersen)