Click on the URL at the bottom of this and every Hannover-L e-mail.
Then click on: Archiv der Liste Hannover-L.
You will get this:
Jahr-Monat Sortierung nach
2004-08 [Datum] [Betreff] [Autor] [Alle Beiträge]
You will have the four choices for a search by the month.
It appears that there may be more alternatives than I see right now. I am sure
others on the List will provide more information.
Also, I see quite a few requests to unsubscribe on the List. That information
is also available by clicking on the URL at the end of Hannover-L e-mails.
Rachel wrote:
> Just wondering how to do a search for names in the hannover-l list or any
> list. Is there a main page for searches?
Click on the URL at the bottom of this and every Hannover-L e-mail.
Then click on: Archiv der Liste Hannover-L.
It appears that there may be more alternatives than I see right now.
Gale is right that there was a way to do a global search in all
messages that were sent to Hannover-L list. This global search option
is broken since the list was moved to a new server in January 2004. I
have no idea when the global search option will be back.