Like flowers?

Hello All,

if you like flowers, here is a nice presentation from Lahr, Germany.
Betty Ann sent it to brighten your weekend: and click on: _
_"Chrysanthemum Festival Lahr Germany"

And by the way.. did you visit our new forum lately ??
It start started just a week ago and already had over 1,000 visitors and over 200 members.
In my opinion this is a good success..
There is nothing wrong with the mailing lists, but with the forum you will have a much higher coverage
and success rate, since it covers ALL our mailing lists and all the research engines will look into it
and distribute it all over the world..

Greetings and have a nice weekend,


Fantastic music, Wish I could get that on the radio in Tampa.

Hello everyone,
I know there were at least two lines of Glauburgs in Frankfurt, during the 1700's. I also know the Heinrich ludwig Glauburg b. 1753 was a "hollandaise" captain, when his lawyer noted he applied for citizenship for his foriegn born wife. I also know that of record there were only females listed as his children.

but I also have this now and wondering if anyone has acess to the Frankfurt registers, who can do a lookup for me.

A very sweet lady got this for me from the Ommen records:

Some more for Nancy: Annemarth paid a visit to the CBG today and checked the Glauburg death cert Ommen 1873/61 (the one Nancy mentioned):

Bron Burgerlijke stand - Overlijden
Archieflocatie Historisch Centrum Overijssel
Algemeen Gemeente: Ommen, Stad
Aktenummer: 61
Aangiftedatum: 00-00-1873
Overledene Lodewijk Hendrik George Glauburg

Lodewijk Hendrik George Glauburg, deceased 5 Jun 1873, 83 years old (so born appr 1790), patient, born in Frankfort [Dutch spelling of German Frankfurt], Spouse of Johanna van der Lelie, son of Lodewijk Hendrik George Glauburg and Susanna .rdej.. [looks like Ardejam; ink was used very sparingly on this particular cert.]

more from amsterdam:
The Ommen Glauburg was Hendrik’s dad indeed! Hendrik was born in 1823, sister Susanna Philippina in 1825, but guess what…. Lodewijk (Heinrich Ludwig Georg) married Grietje de Vos in 1842!!

anyhow, wonder if anyone knows anyone in frankfurt that might see if this birth was ever registered.
Nancy Sanders

I was wondering if there were any set rules as to how a child should be named during the 17, 18, 19th centuries in Preussian Germany. I know from some church records that witnesses at the christenings were honored by giving the child one of their names, but was their a set standard or rules like in Holland. for instance naming the first born after the father or mother or certain grandparents, etc....

Hi Nancy.

   There were a number of Protocols in use in these periods, depending on Gender/Location. Patronymic being one of the more usual, a second was the one that causes many problem with today's researchers, in that the first given name was often that of a Saint! As the automatic computer programs that read the written word & translate it to a printed one, only read the first Given name??? That of a Saint???

    Cheers Bill.