Hi List:
I need a little advice.......
My 3rd Great Grandmother SAID on her marriage certificate from 1892 that she was born in Lichtenberg, Meck-Strelitz.
Well, I got the film from LDS for this place and time for the Evangelist church. No such person on the film.
My question is: Is there another church group for this area and time which is not filmed that I would write for?
Could somebody check the indexes for marriages for
about 1850
or perhaps
the birth of Wilhelmine KRUEGER in April 1850
from that general area?
Any other ideas?
Johnna St. Clair
I checked the marriage index 1826-1875 of Meckl.-Strelitz
for you. The only Leverenz/Krueger marriage I could find was
Friedrich Chrn. Gottl. Lewerenz
Friederike Marie Elisab. Krueger
17 Aug 1849 Stargard
But obviously, this can't be yours.
Hans-Dietrich Gronau
President of the Verein für mecklenburgische Familien- und
Personengeschichte e.V. - http://www.MFPeV.de
Thank you to Dr. Gronau and Katharina Hines for answering my questions.
I am now wondering if it was not Strelitz or Lichtenberg at all. Maybe
Schwerin? Is there an index for Meck-Schwerin?
There were not even a Leverenz at all on the film I checked and not very
many Kruegers.
Is there an area or village which has a higher concentration of Leverenz
that you might be aware of?
Thanks very much,
Johnna St Clair