Have you requested his "complete" Civil War Pension file? On our ancestor we were exceedingly lucky. In our ancestor's own writing, he stated which village he was born, when & where he emigrated and the name of his wife and all living children. It contained much, much more than the Civil War registration file.
Doug, thanks for your suggestion. As far I know, I have a complete record of
his pension file which also includes the application of his wife for his
benefits when he passed away.
Fred Layman
I am no expert on Civil War files but I just applied for one and you have
several choices. One choice is between (1.) military records or (2.)
pension records. If you go for pension (the NARA says this is better for
genealogists) you can choice FULL for $37 or DOCUMENT PACK for $14.75. I
ordered the 14.75 deal...still waiitng. The prices increased recently.
Did you sent it already? I live between Fort Worth and Dallas, TX. I would
be happy to run down and get copies. They do charge for the copies. Don't
know how many pages there will be so cost would be unknown. I suspect they
have already looked to be able to give you a quote.