
Dear Maren Khan,

you can find many such informations in:

Kurt von Stassewski, Robert Stein: Was waren unsere Vor-

fahren? (Koenigsberg, Pr., 1938, repr. Hamburg, 1991).

Accise-Einnehmer: ‘Steuerbeamter, der die Accise (staedti-

sche Verbrauchsabgaben) erhebt’. In other words: tax col-

lector in municipalities.

venia contionandi (not contioandi!): permission to preach.

The man who does it is a contionator, which Stassewski-

Stein explain as: ‘Prediger, Pfarrer (Redner)’.


Klaus Grinda

Hello listers,
I'm looking for my klawitter family that disappeared in 1945. They were from
dobrin bei preussich friedland, kreis schlochau, pommern, west prussia and
from klawittersdorf, kreis deutsche krone, pommern, west prussia. please, if
anyone knows where they are , please contact us? we are relatives in america
wh are very worried since 1945. any help greatly appreciated! Best regards,

De Francesco Wolfango schrieb:

Hello listers,
I'm looking for my klawitter family that disappeared in 1945. They were from
dobrin bei preussich friedland, kreis schlochau, pommern, west prussia and
from klawittersdorf, kreis deutsche krone, pommern, west prussia. please, if
anyone knows where they are , please contact us? we are relatives in america
wh are very worried since 1945. any help greatly appreciated! Best regards,

There are about 950 Klawitters nowadays in the German telephonbook. If you have
got a young child�s name from 1945, you might even be lucky find someone by that
way. Best wishes Hans Peter Albers

De Francesco Wolfango schrieb:

Hello listers,
I'm looking for my klawitter family that disappeared in 1945 ....

I forgot to ask, if you already have contacted the "Suchdienst DRK" that�s the
research possibility, which is offerred by the Red Cross (DRK= Deutsches Rotes
Kreuz), that would perhaps be one of the first address for you. I can`t find in
the moment, where to write, perhaps someone other has the address by hand. But in
doubt addressed to the Suchdienst des DRK your query will be led there. Now I
found it: Infanteriestr. 7a,80797 M�nchen.
So, good luck again Hans Peter Albers

Dear Hans,
Thank you fpor writing. Yes I contacted them and they are searching my
family....thank you! Mary

Try this one:

Deutsches Rotes Kreuz
Suchdienst M�nchen
Chiemgaustra�e 109
81549 M�nchen
Telefon : 089/680773-0
Telefax : 089/68074592
e-mail :
homepage: DRK-Suchdienst - Vermisste & Angehörige finden - DRK e.V.


De Francesco Wolfango schrieb:

Wolfgango, have a look at You
find 10 Klawitter with email address in Germany there.

Regards -Peter