Kütermeier in Porta Westfalica

I am searching for the surname PAPPE that I believe came from this same area.
If anyone out there is familiar with this name please reply.
Thank You
Toni, Fort Worth, Tx

Hello Toni,

look, I hope, I found them
in Lerbeck near Porta Westfalica:

Ahnenliste Carl Pappe

1. Pappe, Carl Frederick, * 1844 or 1853

1. Ahnenreihe

2. Pape, Carl Heinrich
oo Lutherisch, Lerbeck 02.10.1828 Anne Strahnm�ller
3. Strahnm�ller, Anne Margarethe, * 08.02.1809

2. Ahnenreihe

4. Pape, Johann Friedrich
oo Christine Niehus
5. Niehus, Christine Charlotte

6. Strahnm�ller, Joh. Heinrich
oo Anna Hagemeier
7. Hagemeier, Anna Margaretha

Mit freundlichen Gr��en/ kind regards
                     Eva (Holtkamp)