Kroger & Rehe Family

I am looking for any information on the family Kroger, they lived in the
Alfhausen, Thiene area of Hannover.
Interested in a Anna Maria Kroger.

22 Oct. 1830
Rehe - Maria Catharina Elisabeth, daughter (filia) illegitima (illegal)
of Josephi Rehe et (and) Anna Maria Kroger
at home or same farmstead (ex aedibus) colon (= chief farmer) Uphaus in

Witness (lev.) Catharina Rehe
Elisabeth Kroger
Hermann Eylermann

I believe that the father emigrated to US on Jan. 18, 1841, arrived on the

ship Agnes in Baltimore but left the woman (Kroger) and daughter (Maria) in

Alfhausen or in that area. Joseph was born 29 April, 1809.

Their was a Anna Maria Elisabeth Kroger who married with a Johann Henrich
Menke in 1833 in Alfhausen, this could possibly be the same Anna that I am
looking for or a Anna Maria that married a Johann Bernard Kroger on Feb

Thank You
John Rehe

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