Hallo Liste
Ich bin traurig, aber ich m�ssen auf englisch schreiben. Meine
Deutsche ist gute nicht.
My family, family name Kransel, came from Brieg and klein Leubusch.
Originally the spelling of Kransel in my family had umlauts over the
?a?. It was spelled Kr�nsel. I am not sure why it was changed. It may
have even been spelled Kr�nzel. I have a copy of my great, great
grandfathers baptism that I think shows these spellings.
I also know of a family named Kransel, they spell there name without
the umlauts, that presently live in Leverkusen Germany. There family
history is from Breslau. My question to the list is this. Is it
possible, although the names are spelled slightly different, that our
families could be related?
Also, it is my understanding that there are copies of the evng.
Kircheb�cher from klien Luebusch and Brieg in the Stadt Archives in
Oppeln Poland? If so, is it possible for me to view these books? I
would have to travel of course since I live in the U.S.A.
Kris Kransel
Waterford Wisconsin, U.S.A.