I hope you all have had a good summer. I have been working on Rosseburg, Schlicht, Koopman,Bruns,Michel, Ahrens, Meyer Of Oldendorf.
Sueschendorf= Reinecke, Schroder. etc.
I am recording all names that I have into Family treemaker for easy look ups and possible sharing. Many names from my villages and areas. Whether related or not.!
I am so grateful for the OFB Himbergen book. I was able to find more on those who had connections to Torwe, Gross thondorf, Westersunderburg, Klein Thondorf, Romstedt, Ratzlingen, Weste, Strothe, Stoetze,Boecke, Kettelstorf, and a few others. Werner, Warnecke,Harms, Meyer. Koopman Rosseburg. etc Reinke.
I have not found village of Boetze yet. Yesterday found Stoetze mentioned on line. [smile]
I keep seeing the name Korn with the back ground of this:
Carl Bernhard Korn *30.10. 1787 [err.] Gronau in Hildesheimischen- +19.10.1758 Gross Thondorf
He married before 1814. He lived wohnort 1819 at Gross thondorf. He is a r.-Kath.
His first wife Elisabeth Culemann * 1778 [err] Ahrenstedt amt. Windenstedt im Hildesheimischen.) Gross Thondorf.
I tryed to google for Windenstedt did not get anything. I belive this must be the area of Hildescheim. Perhaps I should try Winden or Windenstadt. I shall google Hildescheim map and get familiar. Ahrendstedt results so far show Schw. Holstein.
I am debating about purchasing the book for Hildesheim area written by Heinrich Porth.
Could any one take a peek and see if there are many more in this tree?
When I had someone look before I got so greedy about how many that were there,I decided to purchase the book. As I mentioned before it was a very good idea. [smile] Perhaps there is more on Culeman too. I do not know.
I am not sure how to research roman katholic people.
Would the Radenbeck of the Thomasburg church be in the same book. there were a few References in the Himbergen book to that village. None of my Meyer mentioned. I think Radenbeck is in the political area of Altenmedengen. I hope i spelled that correct.
I look forward to any help or attention you may give my little problems.
Thank You all for your attention.
Jo Meyer''''''Wi.MN, Iowa