KORN, CULEMANN of Hildesheimischen

I hope you all have had a good summer. I have been working on Rosseburg, Schlicht, Koopman,Bruns,Michel, Ahrens, Meyer Of Oldendorf.
Sueschendorf= Reinecke, Schroder. etc.
I am recording all names that I have into Family treemaker for easy look ups and possible sharing. Many names from my villages and areas. Whether related or not.!

I am so grateful for the OFB Himbergen book. I was able to find more on those who had connections to Torwe, Gross thondorf, Westersunderburg, Klein Thondorf, Romstedt, Ratzlingen, Weste, Strothe, Stoetze,Boecke, Kettelstorf, and a few others. Werner, Warnecke,Harms, Meyer. Koopman Rosseburg. etc Reinke.
I have not found village of Boetze yet. Yesterday found Stoetze mentioned on line. [smile]

I keep seeing the name Korn with the back ground of this:
Carl Bernhard Korn *30.10. 1787 [err.] Gronau in Hildesheimischen- +19.10.1758 Gross Thondorf
He married before 1814. He lived wohnort 1819 at Gross thondorf. He is a r.-Kath.
His first wife Elisabeth Culemann * 1778 [err] Ahrenstedt amt. Windenstedt im Hildesheimischen.) Gross Thondorf.

I tryed to google for Windenstedt did not get anything. I belive this must be the area of Hildescheim. Perhaps I should try Winden or Windenstadt. I shall google Hildescheim map and get familiar. Ahrendstedt results so far show Schw. Holstein.

I am debating about purchasing the book for Hildesheim area written by Heinrich Porth.

Could any one take a peek and see if there are many more in this tree?
When I had someone look before I got so greedy about how many that were there,I decided to purchase the book. As I mentioned before it was a very good idea. [smile] Perhaps there is more on Culeman too. I do not know.

I am not sure how to research roman katholic people.

Would the Radenbeck of the Thomasburg church be in the same book. there were a few References in the Himbergen book to that village. None of my Meyer mentioned. I think Radenbeck is in the political area of Altenmedengen. I hope i spelled that correct.

I look forward to any help or attention you may give my little problems.
Thank You all for your attention.
Jo Meyer''''''Wi.MN, Iowa

The book of Heinrich Porth named

Die Familien und Einwohner des Kirchspiels Hanstedt I
Ortsfamilienbuch 1679-1895 mit den Orten Allenbostel, Bode, Brauel, Eitzen II, Hanstedt I, Oechtringen, Teendorf, Tellmer, Velgen, Wettenbostel

In the archiv of Hildesheim is only one book. It's not possible to read this there!!!

Helmut Studte, Hildesheim