Klug - SS Republic arriving 24 Apr 1874


  I just posted to the list the LDS film number for the Hamburd
Emigation Index which I also think is known as the Karl Kluber list.
I think you will find your answer there.

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On Tue 01/05/10 10:22 AM , PJ Vazquez netkitty@hotmail.com sent:
Could you give me a link to the page where you have found my
ancestors on the Haamburg emigration list? Sorry if I sound dense but
I have only been aware of searching the Hamburg direct and indirect
lists where they show each voyage by ship and date with it's
passenger list. I know there is an index but that appeared only to be
a listing of names and not in order.
Best wishes, Pam
> Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2010 23:41:32 -0500
> From: bobbidoll123@gmail.com [1]
> To: hannover-l@genealogy.net [2]
> Subject: Re: [HN] Klug - SS Republic arriving 24 Apr 1874
> Hi Pam,
> It is evident that you were very reluctant to search the Hamburg
> lists for your Klugs.
> So I did it for you. It appears that the last residence of the
family was
> Altkloster, Hannover.
> I looked at Google maps. If you insert "Altkloster, Deutschland"
in the
> search box, it appears
> that Altkloster is now part of Buxtehude. On the map it appears to
be very
> near to Hamburg.
> I will send you an e-mail with a copy of the record to your own
> account.
> Bobbi
> >
> > Bobbi,
> >
> >
> >
> > It's possible. I'm wondering if there is a Hamburg log of ships
> > sailed to Liverpool or London? They would have had to sail to
get there.
> >
> >
> >
> > Family written history says that the father sold his buisness
for gold
> > coins, and sewed them into the lining of his coat to prepare for
the trip
> > and that they sailed from Hamburg. This makes me think the
business was

Thanks Max,

When you say post to the list....where does that show up? I only see messages in e-mail. Is there a board of messages that one can go to?

So you are saying one must order an LDS film to see the Karl Kluber list? I thought Bobbi made it sound as if this is available for searching online.

Best wishes, Pam