
Hello Mrs. Korf!

In an chronicle of Garrel there is an Gerhard Kemper. His father was Jan
Kemper who was married with a daughter of Heinrich Dehlwisch. This Jan Kemper
build spinnig-wheels. In 1870 two brothers Kemper went to the US. They don`t
want to serve in the German-French war 1870/71. Maybe they are brothers of Jan
Kemper and the Kemper relations in Ohio.
Jan Kemper had a daughter Maria Angela, born in July 07 1837 in Garrel,
Oldenburg (!). She married a Anton Joseph Jüchter. His father Joseph Jüchter was
a brother of my grgrgrgrandfather Anton Bernhard Jüchter.
Anton Joseph Jüchter had two sons who went to the US, one to Nebraska, the
other to Bronx, New York.
Nearly all people from Garrel are Catholic.
There are Kemper and Niemann families still living in Garrel.
Informations from the churchbook of Garrel You can get under
_archiv@bmo-vechta.de_ ( .

Best regards,

Gunter Jüchter from Hannover, Germany