(kein Betreff)

My name is Krzysztof Bienk.

I was born in Olsztyn (Allenstein) in 1957.

In 1976 I moved out from Olsztyn.

I am living in Denmark.

I am very much interested in any help to find my family roots.

My father forname is Henryk and my grand father name Aleksander.

I would appreciate any help.


Best regards

Krzysztof Bienk


Dear Krzysztof

My Great Great Grandfather was in 1800 a shoemaker in Olsztyn. Therefore
I'm interested in everything about this old European Town. I'm living in
Switzerland an too very much interested in any help to find my family

I know, that this not a directly help for you but it in future searches
it maybe?

Best regards from Switzerland
Rolf Frankenberg

Dear Krzysztof, dear Rolf,

on the following homepage you�ll find a list with the civil registry records
(Standesamtsunterlagen) and churchbooks (Kirchenb�cher) of the former region
of Allenstein.

Just go to "Quellenkunde". Unfortunately the text is in German, but if you
have any questions get in contact with me.

Best regards,

Marc Plessa