looking for information on John Ahrens born July 3, 1870. Mothers name Sophia AHRENS b about feb 28, 1840. he was my grandfather
Mary Jane:
There are Ahrens in our family but the dates do not match. I have Claus Diederich Ahrens b 12/5/1829 in Wakendorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. m 12/27/1851 to Sophia Margaretha Laschanski b 10/6/ 1824 in the same area. Both are buried in the Blue Grass Cemetery in Scott Co. Iowa. They had Christiana, Hinrich, Anna Maria Elizabeth, Catharina Margaretha, Hans Hinrich, Catharina Sophia, Teresa Christiana Maria & Frank Henry McCabe Ahrens.
If you can find any connections or would like to peruse any of this further, feel free to drop me a line.
Bill Houdek