Johann Meyer (b 1835 or 1836)

I am searching information on a Johann Carl Meyer b. 1838. In the 1880
census in Clayton Co., IA he is listed as Chas Meyer born in Mecklenburg.
Did your Johann Meyer's wife Marie die before 1875? My Johann Meyer
was married to a Elisabeth Wille around 1875. Elisabeth was quite a bit
younger than him so I have suspected he had a wife before. I do not have
anything else going back about him or his family. See a connection?

South Dakota schrieb:

I am searching information on a Johann Carl Meyer b. 1838. In the 1880
census in Clayton Co., IA he is listed as Chas Meyer born in Mecklenburg. ...
My Johann Meyer was married to a Elisabeth Wille around 1875. Elisabeth was
quite a bit younger than him ... I do not have anything else going back about >

him or his family. ..... Marlene, South Dakota

anbei ein Fall f�r Mecklenburg-Kenner. Wer kennt die Ehe oder Geburtsort:
Johann Carl MEYER oo Elisabeth WILLE um 1875,er wurde 1838 in Mecklenburg
geboren, sie sp�ter. Meyer ist nicht leicht, aber vielleicht in Verbindung mit
Wille zu finden. Antworten Marlene aus South Dakota
Gru� Hans Peter Albers