Johann Heinrich Schmiesing family Ohio

Can somebody check the Ohio census at 1850?

Wernke-Schmiesing of Damme searched for the family Johann Heinrich Schmiesing of Damme, emigrated 1844/1845 with wife and 3 children to the States. He believe he died in Cincinnati.

Thank you for help,
Werner Honkomp

Werner, found the following but I don't know if this is the one you are looking for:

1850 Census, Ohio, Hamilton County, 7th Ward of Cincinnati, 16 Aug 1850, page 339, beginning line 2, family enumeration number 774

Henry Smising, age 34, occupation: Carpenter, born Germany
Elizabeth Smising, age 24, born Germany
John Smising, age 5 months, born Ohio
Elizabeth Brok____ (illegible) age 32, born Germany